Saturday, November 30, 2013

videos make me laugh

I didn’t watched Pacquiao fight so I guess that why I been watching videos in youtube.

It makes me laugh.

Monday, November 25, 2013


It was a while to write a post. Although lots things happened here in Philippines good or bad but mostly bad and I feel I have nothing to say good things to write so I chose not to post anything because during these times another negative thing is spreading negativity.

I didn't volunteer or give support to people the only thing that I can do I don’t know if helpful or what. 

But after I read the post of one of my favorite Filipino director.  I agree “We can help and we can criticize” if our point only to help and if criticizing is the only way to cross you idea to people especially our government. Let’s face it if we criticize someone or something someone will react and eventually spread it to social media.

My thoughts

Ted Failon, Noli De Dastro and Korina Sanchez should be on leave in their show because of “conflict of interest”. Failon who is from Leyte in my opinion it will be bias in reporting the news. De Castro we all know President Aquino have “issue” when the president calls out former vice president during his speech. And Sanchez she’s the wife Mar Roxas (government official) I really like to see her not doing hard news especially if his husband “run” in next presidential election. Am I right doctors pull out in the operation if she or he related to the patient? I believe these people are related to the issue or people in the issues.

2-3 days I would expect the local government will not going to function properly so I really to expect that national government will do the action especially the DSWD(Department of Social Welfare and Development) hell do I have that expectation. Like what I think the government will do (when it comes to our government I have psychic ability) play the blame game.  

Like Peque I didn’t vote Aquino for president last presidential election or ever(no one cares but just sharing).

But all of these I hope that we all will learn (especially the government please start a department where it involve in crisis management or something like that) and start again. Looking forward for to the future.

not related topic I finally decided to what I will to the scarf. Tadah.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Start a blog

I’m a beginner in this blog thing. I don’t know what the “thing” in this thing at first. I thought writing is only in newspaper or in movies/television but things really change especially if technology is involved. It add and really big impact in the society to build or destroy a reputation.

There are lots of types and category of what are blog. I personally do know that my blog is a personal blog but I don’t know what the genre fall. I only thing I know everybody like or love to have a lots of follower and turned this on money.
Now, blog + advertising = money. So lots of way to gain money and the popular and easy is the CTC (cost-per-click) but I think its lengthy and tough to gain money from it especially if you’re a beginner like me.

There lots advertising that just click. Advertiser that offer is promoting a work from home, 21 step program that teaches affiliate marketers or would be internet marketers/blog owners how to promote High Priced Affiliate Products. These products range from $1000 commissions upwards.

Other advertiser, iS3 is the leader in protecting your PC and Andriod Tablet or Smart Phone from Malware, Viruses and other Online Threats.  Our products are developed, built and serviced out of Boca Raton, Florida.  STOPzilla AVM recently scored a 100% detection rating when Westcoast Labs issued its “Checkmark Certification & Platinum Product Award” regarding our flagship product:  STOPzilla AVM. This task is a pay per SALE task. 

However the main important is how you write.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

just a suggestion
Why can’t government relocate people to nearest town or place where the relief can easily be place and execute the needs food, medical assistant anything.
God blessed us

Sunday, November 3, 2013


Missed it very much. Hope to do it again... or I just missed my bonding with my brothers